Brian Jean IS a “Crazy Nutbar”

Is Brian Jean serious?

In yesterday’s Calgary Sun Brian Jean quickly tried to distance himself from his true social conservative roots.

He called everyone who is pro-life and believes that marriage is between a man and a woman “crazy and a nutbar.”

Well, apparently Brian Jean was a nutbar when he said this in parliament:

On the definition of Marriage:  “The word ‘marriage’ … describes a relationship between one man and one woman in a state-recognized contract. The institution of marriage was created for the purpose of procreation and for the nurturing of the children of the union…In my view, a stable home with a mother and father is and has always been – the foundation of our civilization and, although it may not always be attainable, I would argue that we should work toward this environment as it is best for our children. Our children are our future and must be protected.” [Hansard transcript, Dec. 7, 2006]

Or what about his Absolutely perfect voting record for the Campaign Life Coalition.

Just to give you an idea of how hardcore nutbar Brian Jean is, Campaign Life Coalition ranks him MORE CONSERVATIVE than Arch “Nutbar” Rob Anders!

 Let me say that again:

Brian Jean is MORE Socially Conservative than Rob Anders!! 

Campaign Life Coalition gives Brian Jean the green light and Rob Anders a mere yellow light. You can count on Brian Jean to vote for the social conservative issues EVERYTIME. 

So why did he practically scream NO! from the mountain tops when Rick Bell asked him if he was socially conservative?  Why did he call the core support of Wildrose nutbars and crazy? Why does he want to “sweep ” them all out of the party?

Is he a liar? Or is he betraying his beliefs for crass political opportunity?

Brian Jean has been one of those “crazies” and “nutbars” his whole life. He was born a baptist, went to a Christian liberal arts college and swore up and down that he was socially conservative during his stint in Ottawa. (Although his previous 5 or 6 wives and the alleged, secret-to-no-one harem he kept in his office of perky staffers looking to get …ahem… ahead might speak otherwise)

So now we come to yesterday and he’s bad mouthing socially conservative people… the backbone of Wildrose. Apparently there is no one he won’t flip on.

First he donates $10,000 to Jim Prentice to become leader and then wants to run against him as Wildrose.

He spends his whole life telling anyone in earshot how socially conservative he is (more than Rob Anders!) and now he’s calling them nutbars.  It’s almost too bad. I’d probably vote for the socially conservative Brian Jean.

Instead, we have  Brian “The Spatula” Jean because apparently there is nothing he won’t flip on: political parties, supporters, staffers, wives, personal religious faith…

One thought on “Brian Jean IS a “Crazy Nutbar”

  1. Interesting. Is there a point of reference (date, link, etc.) for Brian Jean quoting this? I would like to ask (corner) him about this tomorrow night in Red Deer, but what reference, newspaper quote, link, would I refer to?
    Please help me w/ this one.
    Thank you.
    Don Ebenal
    Red Deer


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